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Q: Where can EnergyPMG generate savings for me in competitive energy markets?
A: EnergyPMG has deep expertise across North America and Western Europe in all markets including so called Regulated States.

Q: How much will I save?
A: Savings range from a few percent to more than 60%.


Q: How will EnergyPMG save me money?
A: At no cost to you, EnergyPMG will analyze your bills for the last 12 months, your load profile and your operational requirements to develop an energy strategy that will complement your specific opportunities. EnergyPMG will then identify any refunds and immediate cost savings. EnergyPMG will evaluate your specific circumstances for a wide range of energy cost savings opportunities.  At you direction, EnergyPMG will implement energy savings measures with you by our side and participating as much as you wish. Solutions may include obtaining refunds and rebates, negotiating lower prices, implementing Solar, Wind Power, Demand Response, or any number of opportunities.  
Q: Will I need to spend a lot of my own time to achieve these savings?
A: No. EnergyPMG's process has been designed with our customer's time in mind.  EnergyPMG's process has been perfected so that copies of your last 12 months' invoices and some very basic information about your operations is all EnergyPMG needs to deliver savings.  If, however, you would like to gain a deeper understanding of energy opportunities we welcome the opportunity to work closely with your team every step of the way.
Q: I understand that EnergyPMG can significantly reduce my energy cost, but how much will EnergyPMG charge me to do this?
A:  EnergyPMG offers to its customers multiple options and is open to structuring fair compensation based on the customers needs  This can include a share of savings, a fixed fee, or in many cases EnergyPMG can be paid by its network of suppliers in an unbiased method.  In these cases there are no consulting fees, no retainer, no shared savings, and no bill.
Q: Is this a good time to get EnergyPMG to help me?
A: Yes, there has never been a better time to allow EnergyPMG to save you money. Prices are poised to rise from current historic lows.The market is experiencing unprecedented volatility. Now more than ever is the time to let EnergyPMG help you codify your Energy Strategy and capture savings using sound and measured principles that capitalize on todays market conditions.
Q: Will my bill be more complicated and difficult to understand?
A: No. Your delivery charges will be clearly identified, and your supply charges will be separately listed. Your supply charges can even be put on a separate invoice depending on the regulations in your location.
Q: How fast can I start saving?
A: For Souring Savings, you will start savaging within 60 days depending on the local regulations and the meter reading cycle of your accounts.  Naturally generation projects, solar, Wind PPAs, Industrial optimization, waste to energy, LED lighting systems, Building control, and other opportunities will take weeks to months depending on their complexity. 
Q: Who is eligible for savings with EnergyPMG?
A: All industrial, commercial, institutional, Hospitals, Multi-family buildings, government buildings.
Q: Can EnergyPMG reduce my energy price if I have sites in States other than those where there is customer choice (a choice to select an alternative supplier)?
A: Yes.  EnergyPMG will audit your invoices, capture refunds on invoices from prior periods, recommend alternative lower cost regulated rates, negotiate discounts, recommend operational changes, help you purchase renewable energy, and apply a host of other measures to identify opportunities and reduce your costs.
Q: I have sites in all 50 States, most European countries, and several countries in the Pacific.  I have trouble monitoring my spend and usage by account, managing my payment process, and identifying opportunities.  Can you help?
A: Yes.  EnergyPMG can help you manage your invoices and provide you with robust online reporting.  It is all automated.  Invoice images, as well as detailed invoice information may be viewed in graphical or tabular form.  Information may be viewed for individual sites or groups of sites.  Executive reports may be generated at regular intervals and sent to your distribution list.  There are many more exciting features.
Q: If I switch suppliers, do I need to notify my current utility?
A: No.  EnergyPMG will manage the entire process for you.
Q: Will switching suppliers affect the reliability of my service, or interrupt my service?
A: No, your electricity and natural gas will continue to flow to you over the same equipment.  Your local utility remains your regulated energy delivery company, and the reliability of your service remains exactly the same. The only difference is your lower price.
Q: Who do I call if my power goes out in a storm or other disaster?
A: As you would do today, you will contact your local Utility who will remain in charge of your power delivery.
Q: How does EnergyPMG work with my existing functional teams?
A: EnergyPMG thrives on working with your sourcing team, energy managers, operations managers, facility managers, as well as your legal, finance and accounting professionals.  Because your requirements drive EnergyPMG's efforts, EnergyPMG can be your resource for tactical execution, consultation, and strategic planning.  Businesses with experienced Energy managers recognize the value of looking outside the organization for collaboration and efficiencies.
Phone:   917-525-2597
Fax:   917-979-2697

All Rights Reserved©Energy Price Management Group, LLC. 

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